The cold grip of winter finally seems to be wearing off, and the temperature outside is warming up. As much as you're thankful for having a furnace to keep you warm on those frigid nights, you're more than ready to pack up the jacket and embrace t-shirts and shorts.
That said, just because we're seeing warmer days now and into the summer doesn't mean you just want to completely abandon your furnace just yet. In fact, taking care of your furnace is important any time of the year, especially when it comes to the furnace filter. Taking time out in the summer to commit to filter maintenance is crucial for the health of your furnace.
Why should you be concerned with your filter over the summer? This article will explain the benefits of taking care of your furnace even in the warm months. Read on to learn more!
Furnace Filter Maintenance Helps Extend the Lifespan of Your System
You want to make sure you get the most out of your furnace, and you can do that by maintaining your system in the summer. If you neglect summer maintenance, there's a good chance that your furnace won't be in top condition when you start it up next winter. Checking the filter beforehand lets you know exactly what state your furnace is in, so you'll know it will continue to perform when needed.
You Keep Your Duct System Clean
If your setup is like most homes, your furnace isn't a standalone system; rather, it's connected to a duct system, which also connects to your cooling unit. If your furnace filter isn't clean, there's a good chance that any unwanted particles can travel into and dirty up the duct system - or worse, get into your AC unit and cause problems there. You can avoid this with simple filter maintenance.
Your Furnace Stays in Good Condition
Who said furnaces can't get grimy in the summer? If anything, the pollen, natural debris, and bugs (ew!) of the warmer months place your furnace at a higher risk of getting dirty or even damaged. A filter change can help you retain the safety of your furnace and guarantee that it remains in the best condition.
Here For Your Furnace Maintenance
Maintaining your furnace filter even in the summer is beneficial to your furnace's health so you can stay warm when the cold strikes again. Now, the challenge is finding a professional who can change your furnace filter or perform repairs and give you the peace of mind you deserve. At Mr. Furnace Heating and Air Conditioning, we pride ourselves on offering only the best in heating and cooling services to our customers. We handle furnace installations, maintenance and repairs, as well as services for your air conditioning and HRV systems. Reach out to us for furnace repair and maintenance services in Winnipeg throughout the year for your indoor home comfort.